We run a floating bakery on the west coast of British Columbia. Our boat the ATREVIDA was once a coastal ferry back in 1928. she has a long histroy of carrying passengers all along the coast of BC. Now she is our home and our summer business. We are anchored out in Montague Harbour, a beautiful marine park on Galianno Island, in the Georgia Straight or as they now call it the Salish Sea. We have been doing this for over 10 years, seems like a lifetime, the stories I could tell, wait a minute this is going to be my blog, so yes the stories I am going to tell. Just like yesterday there was this beautiful bavarian 41 foot sailboat anchored in front of us, they had lifted their anchor to leave, dingy in the davits , as they turned the boat to manover around their dingy edge caught the water, you see they did not raise the dingy up they just
lifted it high enough to be out of the water, anyway when they turned the boat the dingy edge caught in the water and it tipped upside down spilling all the contents into the water. there were gas contaners and fuel containers floating all over the place, who knows what went down to Davie's Jones locker.
So I invite you to join me as we summer here in Montague Harbour and I will tell the tales that noone wants repeated I will keep you informed as to what is happening way out here and if there is any buoys in the park available or how many
boats are anchored in the bay, or maybe who was that big boat was that was anchored here last night.. OkayThink automobile dealership.. yes you are right it was the AFTER EIGHT, owned by the Weaton family out of Vancouver BC.
And last follow me in our stuggle to survive another summer of baking.
I will be udating my blog in the evenings or early in the morning between batches of Cinnimon Buns..